Hi, I'm Farad Alam

A passionate Django & Flask Developer

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About Me

I'm a dedicated web developer specializing in Django and Flask. With experience in building dynamic, scalable web applications and RESTful APIs, I strive to create solutions that are both efficient and user-friendly. My journey into web development began with a strong passion for problem-solving and creating digital products that make a difference.

I hold a BSc in Zoology and transitioned into the tech field to pursue my love for coding. I'm always eager to learn new technologies and take on exciting projects that challenge me to grow professionally.

Farad Alam Foisal


Django Multivendor Ecommerce

A fully functional multivendor e-commerce platform built with Django. This project includes user authentication, product management, and payment integration.

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Flask Ecommerce with Stripe

An e-commerce application built with Flask, featuring Stripe payment integration, user authentication, and a product management system.

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Django To-Do REST API

A RESTful API for task management, built with Django REST Framework. It allows CRUD operations, user authentication, and task filtering and sorting.

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Python, JavaScript


Django, Flask, React (basic)


PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite

Other Tools

Docker, Git, Celery, Redis, Tailwind, Bootstrap


REST, GraphQL (basic)

Web Development

HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Tailwind


If you'd like to discuss a project or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out!


